

Why Om Anna?

As I learn more and more about this world around us and the interconnected-ness of physical and spiritual on a microscopic and cosmic scale, this name resonates with me on deeper and deeper levels. Om is the eternal sound that expands individual consciousness to universal consciousness. My intention is to expand my own consciousness, your consciousness, and collective consciousness through my coaching.



This past week, I’ve been home with my family to celebrate my dad’s birthday. I had the opportunity to reconnect with my wonderful friends who still put up with my long-distance friendship and occasional ghosting moments – “Great friends are like stars on the night sky; you might not always see them but they are always there”. One of my friends, Dominique Ann, has been going through a similar personal journey as me, pealing back the internal layers we have accumulated so far in life to live our lives in alignment and do things that we find fulfilling. As my mom would say, “the millennial dream”.

 As I was re-potting aloe for Dominique, I remembered how miraculous it is to plant a seed or small sprout in soil, add water, and let the natural chain of events happen. I made a small blessing over the water, hoping that for each life it touches that it may also support and nourish that life along its journey towards its fullest manifestation. I meditated on this for a few moments before pouring the water over the soil surrounding the small aloe sprouts. With this small act, something mundane turned into a spiritual practice that filled me with gratitude of the support, love, and compassion I find everyday in moving towards my dreams and goals.  

I once read somewhere that “when we’re in a dark place, we’ve only been planted”. Deep under the soil, we’re filled with unmanifested potential. It’s dark, it’s cold, maybe we are planted for a while before we see any light. Will we ever breach the surface again? How can we ever know how far we are from the surface? How far we need to expand and grow before we finally feel free?

From this place, we find ourselves firmly grounded with extended roots before we start to extend upwards and outwards. With the right conditions and a little time, we grow, we bud, we bloom. Plants and nature remind us of this slow but unwavering process. We are all progressing towards the fullest expression of ourselves. Like a seed, each one of us already has everything we need to grow into a tall, awe-inspiring Red Wood; we need only realize that we have all the tools we will ever need within in order to start using them.

Nuzzle into your dark, cozy soil and prepare to step into your power.

On Freedom and Uncertainty

On Freedom and Uncertainty

