

Why Om Anna?

As I learn more and more about this world around us and the interconnected-ness of physical and spiritual on a microscopic and cosmic scale, this name resonates with me on deeper and deeper levels. Om is the eternal sound that expands individual consciousness to universal consciousness. My intention is to expand my own consciousness, your consciousness, and collective consciousness through my coaching.

Good Food

Good Food

The first time I cooked for my family, I was 11 years old. I made a balanced meal from the Mayo Clinic cookbook complete with banana flambee as dessert.

Raising a large family of 6, my mom was always cooking quick, easy, and delicious meals. I remember sitting on the floor of the kitchen playing with rice in a container that she set aside for me to keep me busy. Brave woman for trusting me not to spill it all on the floor! Over time, I graduated from dry rice to learning classical southern Italian dishes and how to host like a BOSS (all thanks to my mom). My dad’s specialty was breakfast on the weekends. He taught me how to flip a pancake, make a perfect poached egg, and that you shouldn’t cry over spilled milk. I actually did drop a full gallon of milk and cried and my brothers laughed over how ironic it all was.

As I grew up and out of my parent’s kitchen, I found that I connected best with people from different cultures over food. From cupcakes and challah to coq au vin and thai curry. Working at the Expo in Milano, I bonded with my fellow Student Ambassadors in the kitchen, learning new cooking techniques and methods for reducing food waste.

I love cooking, food that makes you dance a little in your seat, good wine, and good company.

I hope you enjoy my recipes and restaurant recommendations!

Time: Linear and Cyclical

Time: Linear and Cyclical

Travel Quote: Dalai Lama

Travel Quote: Dalai Lama